Saturday, April 7, 2012

Old Denim + New Denim

Spring is here, hopefully we're all cleaning out are closets putting out the old and welcoming in the new. So the question is, what are you going to do with last seasons denim? 
Here are a few DIY ideas for your old denim jeans. 

Spruce up a pair of old cut offs with a lace inset

Try on a pair of your old cut offs and mark where you'd like to insert a piece of lace. Then hand stitch the lace to that position. Re-try on the shorts to make sure that the lace is in a good position. Then flip the shorts inside out and cut out the denim behind the lace. 
Via pinterest

Distressed is still a super hot trend. 

Take an Exacto knife and cut lines across the denim a little shorter than you'd like your holes to be. Then just use your fingers to pull at the holes to create the frayed edges. 

Decorate pockets 

Choose a piece of fabric you like, maybe an old scarf or a vintage item. If you're on a budget check out the remnants section at any fabric store. Turn your fabric over and trace the shape of the pocket directly onto the fabric, then cut out just on the inside of the line so that the shape is just slightly smaller than the shape of your pocket. Hand stitch it right to the pocket. Be careful not to accidentally sew the pocket closed! 

Have fun with your remade spring shorts! 

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