Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Resolutions!

Every year, I seem to set unrealistically high expectations of myself for my new years resolutions, and then I feel disappointed if I don't stick to them. This year I wanted to keep my 2013 goals a little broader and slightly more attainable. (Yes, I still want to eat healthier, go to the gym more, go to bed earlier, etc etc).

But I think my biggest 2013 goal is to be more positive, and appreciative of what I have in my life.

It's so easy to get caught up in the stresses of every day life, that we sometimes seem to overlook the smaller, better details. Yes, you might have a rapidly approaching deadline at work or school that you feel ill-prepared for, maybe someone cut you off in traffic... But who made you smile? Did you eat lunch at a new place that was wildly and unexpectedly delicious? Did you get a million compliments in that adorable dress you bought from Meggie? ;)

Allow me to introduce you to the Gratitude Jar. I read about this online and decided to make one myself. It's a great way to get better at focusing on the positives :)

Every day, write down the best part of your day, or something that you really liked about it. Or put in a token souvenir from the day: a ticket to a movie you really liked, a receipt from a really promising date, etc. At the end of the year, open the jar and you'll have all these little papers to read and look back on, reflecting on the best parts of your year! It's like a daily journal that's easier to keep up with, in a busy lifestyle.

And you can decorate it however you want. These are some of my favorites.

Happy New Year everyone! Keep smiling :)

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